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 Заголовок сообщения: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 09 мар 2012, 22:07 
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01 июн 2010, 01:27
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26 июл 2024, 12:13
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Bugfixed and improved HL release

Version: 0.1.910

    Bugfixed and improved HLSDK release.
    This was started in a purpose to replace bugged hl.dll on a server to prevent frequent server crashes.
    Now it's a lot of fixes and improvements to server and client sides.
    Based on HLSDK version 2.3-p3 patched by metamod team.
    Binaries for Half-Life Windows client and Windows/Linux server, single and multiplayer.

    Valve for HLSDK release.
    Willday for his HLSDK patch.
    BubbleMod and Bigguy from hlpp.thewavelength.net for parts of spectator code.
    Uncle Mike from hlfx.ru for his Xash3D engine which was very helpful in hard moments.
    KORD_12.7 for constant helping and nice suggestions.
    AGHL.RU community for bug reporting and suggestions.


Nighty Builds:
    History of changes can be seen here.
    Binaries are automatically uploaded here.

    Copy all files from archive valve folder to server/client valve folder replacing all.
    For Steam copy to Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve folder.

 Changes log

bugfixed.HL.0.1.910.aghl.ru.zip [1.34 МБ]
Скачиваний: 11835
client.dll.0.2.73.d3fedaf.zip [340.54 КБ]
Скачиваний: 9384
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 мар 2012, 02:55 
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Site Admin
01 июн 2010, 01:27
Последнее посещение:
26 июл 2024, 12:13
Сообщения: 6871
Server configuration:
    Server now loads startup config before creating Game Rules, so it is possible now to have different servers running from the same folder with some of them having team play set on the first map.
    If your servercfgfile is set to "server.cfg" then server will try to load "startup_server.cfg" file.
    If your servercfgfile is set to "profiles\1\server22.cfg" then server will try to load "profiles\1\startup_server22.cfg" file.
    You can put
    mp_teamplay 1;
    mp_teamlist "blue;red"
    in it and get teamplay even on first (startup) map.

Server side cvars and commands:

    allow_spectators 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Allow players to go into spectator mode.

    spectator_cmd_delay 5
    values: double equal or above 1.0
    meaning: Specify a minimal delay between adjacent "spectate" client commands in seconds.

    mp_welcomecam 1
    values: 1/0
    meaning: Enable/disable welcome cam.

    mp_notify_player_status 7
    values: 1-7
    meaning: Selects notifications for player join/leave/spectate events in chat. Bits value.
    1 bit - leave notification.
    2 bit - join notification.
    3 bit - enter/leave spectate notifications.
    To be said easy: 0 means "no notifications", 1 - default HL "player leave notification", 3 - join and leave notifications, 7 - all notifications.

    mp_bunnyhop 1
    values: 1/0
    meaning: Enable/disable bunnyhop.
    0 max speed is clamped to 350 to prevent bunnyhop. This is default HL behaviour.
    1 max speed is clamped to 2000, thus allowing bunnyhop.

    mp_selfgauss 1
    values: 1/0
    meaning: Enable/disable selfgauss.

    Srcreenshots and logs on the client are now saved by default in valve/results/year-month/ folder. Look following cvars for more details: snapshot_jpeg, snapshot_jpeg_quality, results_file_format, results_counter_format, results_demo_autorecord, results_demo_keepdays, results_log_chat and results_log_other.

Client side cvars and commands:

    cl_autowepswitch 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: If 1 weapon will automatically switch to picked one if it is more powerful. Requires server-side support.

    cl_bunnyhop 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable client-side bunnyhop prediction. Remember that this is only prediction, real speed clamping is decided by server. This setting is needed to prevent jerks that happen when prediction doesn't match the server.
    0 max speed is clamped to 350 to prevent bunnyhop. This is default HL behaviour.
    1 max speed is clamped to 2000, thus allowing bunnyhop.

    cl_jumptype 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Switch decent jumping when issuing +jump action.
    0 default HLDM style. Jump command will be sent to the server immediately, so if it doesn't match the time when the floor is touched you will loose some speed.
    1 decent jump (default). You can issue +jump anytime before you fall, jump command will be send to the server when the floor is touched, so you will not loose any speed.

    meaning: Issue long jump action to the server, that is +duck|+jump combination. Action +duck will be hold until +ljump is released.

    meaning: Issue +jump action when the floor is touched, it is issued at exact frame so you will not loose any speed if compared to other ways of doing bunny hop.

    m_input 1
    values: 1/2
    meaning: Selects mouse input method.
    1 mouse movement will be read from Windows cursor movement. This is default HL behavior.
    2 mouse movement will be read via DirectInput. This way Windows cursor acceleration feature will not affect mouse input, i.e. mouse acceleration from the system is ALWAYS OFF by this way, but can be turned ON and adjusted by m_customaccel... cvars.

    hud_draw 1
    values: 0.0-1.0
    meaning: Now it can accept values from 0 to 1 (i.e. 0.5, etc), this regulates hud transparency.

    hud_dim 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable dimming of health, armor, ammo and other elements when they are inactive (not changed recently).

    hud_color "255 160 0"
    values: "R G B"
    meaning: Color of hud elements in RGB format. Used for all elements, but health and armor.

    hud_color1 "0 255 0"
    hud_color2 "255 160 0"
    hud_color3 "255 96 0"
    values: "R G B"
    meaning: Colors of health and armor in RGB format.
    hud_color1 used for value >= 90, hud_color2 for 50 <= value < 90 and hud_color3 for 25 < value < 50.
    Also hud_color3 is used for armor value <= 25. Health for values <= 25 draws in red (can't be changed via cvars).

    values: 0/1/2
    meaning: Configure color codes processing in hud, chat, death list, spectator panel, scoreboard, status bar.
    0 turn off color codes processing.
    1 colorize text acording to color codes in chat, death list, status bar and remove color codes in hud, spectator panel, scoreboard.
    2 remove color codes, but do not colorize text.

    hud_shownextmapinscore 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Controls whether or not to show nextmap in scoreboard table.

    hud_showlossinscore 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Controls whether or not to show loss in scoreboard table.

    hud_showsteamidinscore 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Controls whether or not to show SteamIds in scoreboard table.

    hud_nextmap 1
    values: 0/1/2
    meaning: Enable/disable nextmap show in the hud on the map end.
    0 turn off nextmap show in hud.
    1 show nextmap for about 30 seconds starting from 60 till the end.
    2 show nextmap last 60 seconds of the map.

    hud_timer 1
    values: 0/1/2/3
    meaning: Enable/disable show of timer in hud.
    Timer has three modes:
    0 will turn timer off,
    1 will show time left on current map,
    2 will show time passed on current map,
    3 will show your PC local time.
    Timer will get map time limit directly from server rules, so it will work on most servers.
    It will not work on some servers where paranoid admins removed server rules.
    Also it will not display left time if there is no time limit on server.

    hud_weapon 0
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable displaying sprite of currently selected weapon.

    customtimer <interval in seconds> [timer number 1|2]
    This command will start countdown of custom timer from specified second to zero and will emit sound "bell" when timer will reach 0.
    There are two undependent custom timers. If timer number isn't specified it is assumed 1.

    cl_forceemenymodels ""
    values: List of models split with ";", for example "red;zombie".
    meaning: List of models for replacing enemy models.
    If you don't like various custom player models that servers likes to upload you can use
    cl_forceemenymodels "zombie;scientist;robo;recon;hgrunt;helmet;gordon;gman;gina;barney"
    to force using of default model.

    cl_forceemenycolors ""
    values: Top and bottom colors split by a space, for example "90 30".
    meaning: Top and bottom colors for enemy colors replacing.

    cl_forceteammatesmodel ""
    values: List of models split with ";", for example "blue;hgrunt".
    meaning: List of models for replacing teammates models.

    cl_forceteammatescolors ""
    values: Top and bottom colors split by a space, for example "90 30".
    meaning: Top and bottom colors for teammates colors replacing.

    forcemodel <slot number or player name> [model name]
    Slot number (can be seen in status command output in first column, range is from 1 to 32.
    Model name, if specified, will be used for model replacement on given player. If empty, will reset model replacement.

    forcecolors <slot number or player name> [top and bottom colors]
    Slot number (can be seen in status command output in first column, range is from 1 to 32.
    Top and bottom colors, for example "90 30" (could be used without quotes too). If specified, will be used for colors replacement on given player. If empty, will reset colors replacement.

    engine_fix_fpsbug 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable fix of FPS bug in the engine. This will fix moving slowdown on certain FPS values.

    engine_snapshot_hook 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable intercepting of "snapshot" command and perfom custom processing (saving to jpeg format and with custom names).

    If engine_snapshot_hook is 1 this command creates snapshots with customizable names and formats. By default screenshots are placed in /results/year-month/ folder in jpeg format.

    snapshot_jpeg 1
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable saving screenshots to jpeg format.
    If 1 will save as jpeg, if 0 will save as bmp. Custom naming rules still apply to bmp screenshots.
    Requires engine_snapshot_hook 1 to work.

    snapshot_jpeg_quality 95
    values: 1-100
    meaning: Quality of jpeg compression. Changes size and quality of a picture. On 95 image almost the same as bmp, but takes 10 times less space.

    results_file_format "results\%Y-%m\%l-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
    values: Format string for C++ function strftime with addition of %l for level name. You can see description of format on http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/strftime/.
    meaning: This string is used to construct results file name. It is used currently for screenshots.
    You can specify subfolders (under mod directory) via adding "\" symbol.

    results_counter_format "-%03d"
    values: Format string for C++ function sprintf which receive also integer counter from 1 to 1000.
    meaning: It is used to construct unique results file name when there is alredy file with such name exists.
    This conuter is added to file name.
    Actually you can/need only variate splitter symbols and counter width.

    results_demo_autorecord 0
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable automatic recording of the demo after joining a server. Demo recording is automatically restarted after a map change.

    results_demo_keepdays 14
    values: number
    meaning: Days to keep automatically recorded demos. They are listed in tempdemolist.txt file in the mod folder (valve or valve_language) and purged on game start. You can manually remove demos from the tempdemolist.txt file to prevent automatic deletion.

    results_log_chat 0
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable chat logging into a file.

    results_log_other 0
    values: 0/1
    meaning: Enable/disable other messages (like kill messages and others in the console) logging into a file.

    cl_messages_log 0
    values: 0/1
    meaning: If 1 client will log user messages in console when it will receive them from server. Mostly needed for developers.

    Dumps currently registered user messages with their ids and lengths. Mostly needed for developers.

    con_say_color "30 230 50"
    values: "R G B"
    meaning: Color for say messages displayed in console in RGB format.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2012, 10:05 
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18 фев 2012, 18:14
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08 сен 2014, 14:57
Сообщения: 122
такс, а с этим всем делать? то что 1 мб занимает я так понял просто перетянуть на сервер с заменой файлов а со вторым архивом что делать?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2012, 10:37 
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Site Admin
01 июн 2010, 01:27
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26 июл 2024, 12:13
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Один для сервера, второй - для клиента.
hl.dll и hl_i386.so - на сервер в папку valve\dlls
client.dll - на клиента в папку valve\cl_dlls
Ставить туда и туда по желанию. Т.е. не обязательно играть с этой клиентской дллкой только на серверах с соотвествующей серверной дллкой.

Серверную дллку имеет смысл ставить на клиента, на случай использования listen server'а.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2012, 10:54 
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18 фев 2012, 18:14
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08 сен 2014, 14:57
Сообщения: 122
ну если я только поставлю на сервер, этого достаточно? играть люди смогут как и раньше?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2012, 11:16 
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Site Admin
01 июн 2010, 01:27
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26 июл 2024, 12:13
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2012, 14:39 
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06 июн 2010, 18:07
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02 июл 2024, 21:03
Сообщения: 742
С УТФ-8 -ничего не делал? Амхх менюхи на русском не отображаются в обычном ХЛе. В будущем нет намерений сделать подобие миниАГ? :)

Version: 0.1.228 -вот так было бы круче :D

|| Dproto 0.9.187 || miniAG 6.6 || HL Kreedz & Bugfixed and improved HL release || metamod-p-1.20p36 || amxmodx 1.8.2 || HLstatsx:CE 1.6.13 || GmBans 1.6 || jk_botti 1.42 ||

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 мар 2012, 14:43 
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Site Admin
01 июн 2010, 01:27
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26 июл 2024, 12:13
Сообщения: 6871
Делал, но в лучшую сторону, в HostSay.
Посмотрю, спасибо за репорт.
Мысли в сторону "миниАГ" есть, ага.
И чем 0.1.228 лучше?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 мар 2012, 05:14 
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06 мар 2012, 02:42
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06 июл 2014, 01:42
Сообщения: 89
this is useful for an AG server too?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 мар 2012, 05:58 
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Site Admin
01 июн 2010, 01:27
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26 июл 2024, 12:13
Сообщения: 6871
No. Libs from HL are not used in AG.

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