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Bugfixed and improved HL release
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Автор:  nico [ 13 дек 2012, 20:15 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

Lev писал(а):
nico писал(а):
it was just like with r_dynamic 1
Okay. I tested myself.
In HL on Intel video.
With r_dynamic 1 fps drops from 125 to about 20 when I shoot rocket on crossfire.
With r_dynamic 0 it doesn't drops at all.
I play on D3D because I get better FPS with that one, maybe that is the reason why it has not changed with r_dynamic 0. It really is voodoo too. For example I start HL, join crossfire, shoot a rocket and the FPS do drop. However after I once used ALT+TAB to Windows and back to HL the FPS do NOT drop on rockets anymore. But an exploding tripmine is still dropping the FPS a bit. FPS are always low when there are some players fighting in the view. Another strange thing is the Sven-Coop Mod (okay that one is really different from HL) But: If I join a big map I get 6 FPS with OpenGL in windowed or fullscreen, or in D3D with fullscreen. The only combination which is playable is D3D in windowed mode (gives me ~60 FPS)! Honestly I am at the end of my testings and I use D3D+fullscreen and manually ALT+TAB once after I joined a game because this gives me the best performance yet (most FPS in timerefresh and feeling the best). I think this is very absurd but it works.

Автор:  Lev [ 13 дек 2012, 21:17 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

Interesting info. Thanks.
I tested in OpenGL full screen without Alt-TAB.
Will try to test other ways too.

Автор:  TesterYYY [ 13 дек 2012, 23:55 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

I had Intel integrated graphics (GMA 4500M). It was total garbage and especially for HL. I always played HL on D3D. Also Svencoop with D3D (but in new version 4.7 D3D will be disabled so only opengl).
Buy new graphics or laptop. HL is old game and it is not tuned for some graphics (mainly intel integrated graphics). This is the only one way to solve problem with OpenGL or use D3D but in SC it will be problem in future...

Автор:  wbyokomo [ 16 дек 2012, 13:42 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

Since it was a modified client.dll why don't you crack the limit of 254 value on HP, armor, bp ammo?

For example i set player HP to 1000 so it show the true value of 1000 and not 254. By the way your client.dll is working fine on Steam HL :Yahoo!:

Автор:  Lev [ 16 дек 2012, 15:00 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

No one yet asked for this. :)
Not sure can we display full value or not. There is network compression on these values.
Also it will take more space on hud and can look not pretty when values will be under 100 (a lot of free space).

Автор:  Lev [ 16 дек 2012, 18:13 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

I tested combinations of OpenGL/D3D, fullscreen/windowed with and without Alt-TAB.
There is no difference fullscreen or windowed, nor before or after Alt-TAB.
Yes, D3D gives about 20% more fps then OpenGL. And fps drop from dynamic light is very drastic under OpenGL. There is fps drop from dynamic light under D3D but not so much as under OpenGL.
If I set r_dynamic to 0, there is no fps drops from dynamic light any more (of course).
Next, if I set r_decals to 0, I have no fps decrease from decals.
There is fps decrease from gauss hit balls - we can add some cvar to regulate their appearance as in RCD.

Автор:  wbyokomo [ 16 дек 2012, 18:24 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

Lev писал(а):
No one yet asked for this. :)
Not sure can we display full value or not. There is network compression on these values.
Also it will take more space on hud and can look not pretty when values will be under 100 (a lot of free space).
In SvenCoop it show max 999 value on HP, armor, bpammo. If it possible to do you should try it :)

Автор:  Lev [ 16 дек 2012, 18:26 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

Ok. I think I can show up to 999.

Автор:  rfc1 [ 17 дек 2012, 20:54 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

Я нашёл баг движка goldsrc (потому что работает и в модах):
Захожу в hl и навожу значок мыши на "Find Servers", мышка указывает на "ers", сразу веду на "Options", и вот - я даже не навёл на само название и уже выделено, а если нажать туда, то откроются опции.
Исправьте это плиз.

Автор:  Kimaen [ 20 дек 2012, 20:24 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Bugfixed and improved HL release

После установки библиотек на сервер, игроки начали застревать на лифтах (не могут сойти когда уже наверху).
В чем проблема?
Точнее, мне интересно, у кого-либо уже была такая фигня?

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